Shhh! and Shaddup! are free; you may distribute them as long as you don't modify them and include these instructions with them.
Shhh! is an extension (extensions were previously known as INITs) which sets the speaker volume to 1 (lowest audible level) during system startup.
Shaddup! is an extension which sets the speaker volume to 0 (silence) during system startup. Instead of beeping at you when it wants your attention, your Mac will flash its menu bar.
These extensions are useful for Mac users who
- Often turn up the volume when using sound programs, then forget;
- Need to use a Powerbook in quiet environments and want to be secure in the knowledge that their Mac will keep silent.
Using these extensions is exactly equivalent to using the Sound control panel to turn the volume down. If an program ignores the system volume, Shhh! and Shaddup! won't help.
After startup you can use the Sound control panel to change the system volume. The new volume will remain in effect until the next time you start up.
Note that these extensions can be rendered ineffective by other extensions and control panels that may change the sound volume (like ClickChange™).
Using Shhh! and Shaddup! at the same time is possible but not very useful. If you don't use a startup management utility, Shhh! will override Shaddup! (because it loads after Shaddup!).
System 7 installation: Drag Shhh! or Shaddup! into the System Folder icon (not the open System Folder window). You will be asked if you want to place it into the Extensions folder. Answer OK. Restart.
System 6 installation: Drag Shhh! or Shaddup! into the System Folder window or icon. Restart.
To remove Shhh! or Shaddup!, drag it out of the Extensions folder (System 7) or out of the System folder (System 6.? or earlier).